Friday, November 11, 2011

Vmware and Fedora 16

Today I installed Vmware Player for Windows 7. I wanted to install it in my work pc, so that I can run Fedora as the guest OS. I was not aware of the fact that Vmware calls the latest host version as "Vmware player". Took some time to realize that.
Steps followed: 
1.  Downloaded vmware from
2.  Downloaded Fed16 ISO image.

Issue faced: 
After I installed the vmware player and did the virtual machine create, it prompted me if I want to install the "easy install" plugin for vmware. Thought it would make installation process easy and did the installation from internet.  Grr.. .should not have done it.  It created an issue for Fedora installation. For some reason, the fed installer was not able to do the disk portioning properly. It quit displaying "automatic partitioning error"
Then asked Google God; some one in some geography faced a issue similar to this and told the workaround  (as below)
"I decided maybe it was VMware's "Easy Install" that was getting things
wrong. So, I created a VM machine and selected "Install Later", in hopes
it would bypass the easy install. It created the machine and when I
powered it up the first time it booted from the DVD and I went through
all the install steps and partitioned the disk my own way that will
hopefully allow me to upgrade to Fedora 15 someday in the future, using
the yum suggestions above."

I  did exactly the same;  

1. Created a blank machine by choosing install later
2. Did the installation by pointing to my iso
3. Did my own partition. 

It work now :)

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